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Step Two: Journal Policies

Setup Step Two allows you to configure many different policy aspects of your journal: the journal’s scope; review policy; author guidelines; and so on.

2.1 Focus and Scope of Journal #

This form will add information to the About the Journal section of your journal web site, under its own Focus and Scope section.

Focus and Scope of Journal

2.2 Peer Review #

The Peer Review section is split into different components:

  • Review Policy: This public policy will be visible on the About the Journal section. Whatever is entered here should clearly explain the kind of review process your journal undertakes.

Review Policy

  • Review Guidelines: These instructions will be available to reviewers at the time of review. They should be clear, detailed step-by-step instructions for your reviewers.

Figure: Review Guidelines

Review Guidelines

  • Review Process: This section allows you to choose the best method of peer-review for your journal. By default, the standard review process is selected, but you may prefer to bypass this internal OJS process, and rely on email attachments.

Review Process

  • Review Options: OJS allows for the configuration of a number of review options, including how long reviewers have to complete their review; when to send reminders to reviewers; whether to use a rating system for reviewers (visible only to the editors); and one-click access for reviewers.

One-click access allows editors to send reviewers an email message with a URL that goes directly to the review page for the article in question, without the need to create an account or login. This option is meant to reduce any technical barriers to reviewer participation, however it is somewhat insecure as anyone who might be able to guess the URL could navigate to the review page.

The Blind Review option will add links to the Ensuring a Blind Review document to both Author and Reviewer pages. This document describes the importance of removing any identifying information in the submission file or review file, and describes how to do so in various ways.

Review Options

2.3 Privacy Statement #

The privacy statement will appear on the About the Journal section of your web site. Because you will be asking people to register with your journal and collecting their personal information, it is important to let them know of your policies in this regard.

Privacy Statement

2.4 Editor Decision #

Check this box to add all co-authors to the include list when an Editor sends a Notify Author email.

Editor Decision

2.5 Add Item to Appear in “About the Journal” #

If you wish to add more information to the “About the Journal” section, this section allows you to enter content. Multiple entries are permitted, using the Add About Item button.

Add Item

2.6 Journal Archiving #

LOCKSS is an open source solution to archiving online journals. To ensure the preservation of your journal, follow the steps outlined in this section. OJS will even generate the email message to send to participating libraries. Visit LOCKSS to find out more bout the program.

Journal Archiving

2.7 Potential Reviewer Database #

You can add a link to an external Reviewer database here. This will provide a quick reference source for Section Editors or Editors looking for potential new reviewers for the journal.

Potential Reviewer Database