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Introduction: Guidelines for Contributing to PKP Documentation

This guide explains everything you need to know to contribute to the Public Knowledge Project’s (PKP’s) documentation, including how to get involved, how to find and complete a documentation task, how to edit and create documentation in PKP’s GitHub repository, tips on style and formatting, and copyright policies.

PKP creates and maintains extensive documentation about our software applications Open Journal Systems (OJS), Open Monograph Press (OMP), and Open Preprint Systems (OPS), as well as on scholarly publishing best practices. All of our documentation is available in the PKP Docs Hub and includes both user guides and videos.

These guidelines are for all contributors to our documentation, including PKP staff and committee members, users of the software, journal managers, system administrators, and developers. Whether you are new to PKP software or have been using it for many years, you have a unique perspective and valuable information to share with the community.

Documentation is essential to users of Open Journal Systems (OJS), Open Monograph Press (OMP), Open Conference Systems (OCS), and other PKP software. It is often the first thing that users look at when they’re getting started, trying to troubleshoot a problem, or learning how to use a new feature or version of the software. Creating and updating documentation is a precious contribution to the PKP user community.

Copyright: Simon Fraser University holds the copyright for work produced by the Public Knowledge Project and has placed its documentation under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International