OJS can be made available to users in any of several supported languages. As well, OJS can operate as a multilingual system, providing users with an ability to toggle between languages on each page, and allowing Authors to submit content in any supported language. Here is an example of a Journal from Arizona publishing in both Spanish and English.
Using the language toggle in the sidebar, readers can switch from Spanish to English. You can see that all of the OJS terms (About, Log In, Register, Search, etc.) have been translated (the system takes care of this). The content, however, must be translated by the journal. In this example, the journal has translated the abstracts of articles into both languages.
To activate another language for your journal, go to the Management Pages.
From here you will see all of the languages available for your journal. If you do not see any additional languages to choose, have your Site Administrator add them for you.
Figure: Languages
You will be able to enable any installed language to be used as part of the overall user interface; as an Author-selectable submission option; with user-filled web forms, or a mix of all three.