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Exercise 8 - Configure Remotes

Git submodules are used to share code between the three applications: OJS, OMP and OPS. This exercise is designed to help you learn how to work with these submodules and create pull requests to several repositories at once.

💡 It can be challenging to keep submodules in sync, even for experienced developers. Once you have gone through the process a few times, it will become familiar. Until then, don’t be afraid to ask for help!

When you’re ready to commit your changes, you need to identify which repositories have been modified. Your work may require commits and pull requests to one or several of the following repositories:

  • Changes to the OJS, OMP or OPS repositories.
  • Changes to files under lib/pkp are committed to the pkp-lib repository.
  • Changes to files under lib/ui-library are committed to the ui-library repository.
  • Some plugins, such as themes, are stored in their own repositories and may need commits to those repositories.

Configure remotes

Your work will need to be committed in branches for each of these repositories, pushed up to your fork on GitHub, and separate pull requests will be needed for each repository. In order to do this, you will need to make sure that your remotes are set up to push and pull from PKP’s repository and your fork.

💡 The instructions below use the command line, but you may use a GUI tool to do the same thing. The commands are written assuming that you have configured a SSH key on GitHub. If not, follow these steps to add a SSH key or modify the instructions below to use the http URL to push and pull from remote repositories.

First, open your terminal, navigate to the OJS root directory, and check your remotes.

cd <ojs-root-directory>
git remote -v

If you have cloned your fork, the result will look like this, but instead of NateWr it should be your GitHub username.

origin git@github.com:NateWr/ojs.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:NateWr/ojs.git (push)

Use the following command to add the PKP library as an upstream remote.

git remote add upstream git@github.com:pkp/ojs.git

Check your remotes again to make sure that this worked.

git remote -v

The result should look like this.

origin git@github.com:NateWr/ojs.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:NateWr/ojs.git (push)
upstream git@github.com:pkp/ojs.git (fetch)
upstream git@github.com:pkp/ojs.git (push)

Now check your remotes for the pkp-lib repository.

cd lib/pkp
git remote -v

If you followed the steps in Getting Started and have not yet configured your remotes for the submodules, it may look something like this.

origin https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib.git (fetch)
origin https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib.git (push)

Use the command git remote set-url origin <url> to set the origin to your fork of pkp-lib. Then use git remote add upstream <url> to set the upstream to PKP’s repository.

When you check your remotes with git remote -v, it should look like this.

origin git@github.com:NateWr/pkp-lib.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:NateWr/pkp-lib.git (push)
upstream git@github.com:pkp/pkp-lib.git (fetch)
upstream git@github.com:pkp/pkp-lib.git (push)

Next, navigate to the lib/ui-library and run the same configuration steps so that the remotes are pointing to your fork as the origin and PKP’s repository as the upstream.

When you want to sync your main branch with PKP’s main branch, you can pull from the upstream remote and push to the origin remote.

# Update the app
git checkout main
git pull upstream main
git push

# Update the pkp-lib submodule
cd lib/pkp
git checkout main
git pull upstream main
git push

# Update the ui-library submodule
cd ../ui-library
git checkout main
git pull upstream main
git push

cd ../..

Submodule commits

Add an empty text file, example.txt to the root directory of each of the lib/pkp and lib/ui-library repositories. (Do not commit the work.)

Review the documentation for how to prepare pull requests for testing. Take special note of the section on branch naming. Then for each submodule, create a branch, commit your change, and push that branch.

Make a pull request with your changes for each of the pkp-lib and ui-library repositories. These repositories do not have continuous integration testing.

Use what you learned in the documentation about the special commit to add a submodule commit to your OJS repository and push that up to your branch.

When you have finished, your pull request to the OJS repository should have the new submodule commit and the tests should begin to run.

💡 If your OJS repository has a merge conflict, and the effected files are lib/pkp or lib/ui-library, you will need to sync the submodules with PKP’s main branch and make another submodule commit.

When all of the tests have passed for your pull request, you are ready to ask for a code review.