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Continuous Integration

We use GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration (CI) testing. Integration and unit tests are run against every pull request to help catch regressions before they are released.

CI tests are configured to run the tests against multiple PHP versions and databases. The configuration details are stored in .github/workflows/main.yml for each application.

OMP test results in GitHub.

View the tests for OJS, OMP and OPS.

Tests for pull requests #

GitHub Actions will run tests against every pull request to OJS, OMP, or OPS. The tests are listed in the checks at the bottom of the pull request.

A list of checks in a pull request.

Click the Details link beside a test to watch the test as it runs and see which tests have passed or failed. All tests must pass before a pull request will be merged.

Prepare pull requests for testing #

A change to an application may involve pull requests to more than one repository. For example, a change that impacts pkp-lib and ojs will require two pull requests.

GitHub Actions must be able to locate the correct repository and branch for the pkp-lib submodule in order to run the tests against the correct code. To do this, an extra commit with a special commit message, Submodule update ##<username>/<branch>##, is added to the application repository.

The example below will instruct GitHub Actions to clone the ojs and pkp-lib repositories owned by NateWr and check out the i123_example branch.

cd path/to/ojs
git add lib/pkp
git commit -m "Submodule update ##NateWr/i123_example##"

For the tests to run correctly against this commit, the changes must be in a branch named i123_example in both repositories.

In most cases, your work will be spread across multiple repositories. Use the same branch name across each repository to keep track of them. For example, work on issue 5421 might be in a branch named i5421_function in ojs and pkp-lib.

Sometimes changes are made to pkp-lib that do not require changes to OJS or OMP. In such cases, the tests must still be run. Create a branch in OJS or OMP, add the submodule commit, and create a pull request to OJS or OMP to run the tests.

Learn how to write tests.