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Exercise 6 - Localization

This exercise is designed to help you learn about how the software handles localization so that it can be used in any language.

Read the Translation section of the documentation. Then use what you’ve learned to localize your announcements page in any supported language.

Review the documentation on multilingual data for entities, then make the keyword property that you added in Exercise 4 a multilingual property and add different keywords for different languages.


  • When I view the announcements page that I created in previous exercises, I see the heading, “Announcements”, in my current language. When I switch to another language, the heading changes to show the heading in that language.
  • When I view the announcements page that I created in previous exercises, I see that the page’s <title>, which appears as the name of the tab in the browser, is “Announcements” in my current language. When I switch to another language, the <title> changes to show the heading in that language.
  • When I view the announcements page that I created in previous exercises, I see that the keyword for each announcement only shows the language that I am currently using. When I switch languages, the keyword changes to show the correct value for that language.