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Email Templates

Email templates mix customized, editable data with fixed defaults. For this reason, the email template repository works differently from other entity repositories. This section describes some of the differences.

Use keys instead of ids #

Default email templates do not have ids. Instead, each email template has a key. The keys of default email templates can be found in emailTemplates.xml. The keys of custom email templates are generated from the name.

Get an email template by its key.

use APP\facades\Repo;

$emailTemplate = Repo::emailTemplate()->getByKey($contextId, $key);

Always use a context id #

Each email template is specific to the journal, press or context. It is not possible to get all email templates for all contexts. Always pass the context id to the Collector.

$collector = Repo::emailTemplate()->getCollector($contextId);

Mailables #

Every Mailable defines the email template it will use by default. Use that property to get the email template related to a Mailable.

use APP\facades\Repo;
use PKP\mail\mailables\DiscussionCopyediting;

$emailTemplate = Repo::emailTemplate()

Some mailables support multiple templates. For example, when the application loads the form for creating a discussion in the copyediting stage, it loads all email templates assigned to the PKP\mail\mailables\DiscussionCopyediting mailable.

Determine if a Mailable supports multiple templates.

use PKP\mail\mailables\DiscussionCopyediting;

if (DiscussionCopyediting::getSupportsTemplates()) {
    /* supports multiple templates */

Get all email templates related to that mailable.

use APP\facades\Repo;
use PKP\mail\mailables\DiscussionCopyediting;

$emailTemplates = Repo::emailTemplate()

When a custom template is created, it can be assigned to a mailable by setting it’s alternateTo property to the default email key of the Mailable.

use APP\facades\Repo;
use PKP\mail\mailables\DiscussionCopyediting;

$props = [
    'body' => $body,
    'contextId' => $contextId,
    'name' => $name,
    'subject' => $subject,
    'alternateTo' => DiscussionCopyediting::getEmailTemplateKey(),

$errors = Repo::emailTemplate()->validate(

if (empty($errors)) {
    $emailTemplate = Repo:emailTemplate()->newDataObject($props);
    $key = Repo::emailTemplate()->add($emailTemplate);

Default template data #

Default templates are described in emailTemplates.xml. These templates are installed when the application is installed or a new locale is added.

These templates can not be edited or deleted. However, each context can override the default data with a custom template. When an email template is fetched from the database, it returns the context’s custom template. If it doesn’t find one, it falls back to the default template.

Only the overriden templates will be deleted when a context is deleted or has its email templates reset. The default data will remain.

When using the email templates repository, no extra consideration is required to fetch the correct email template. The repository’s delete method will only delete custom data.