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Each Handler must define policies to prevent unauthorized access. These policies are applied in the authorize method.

use APP\core\Request;
use APP\handler\Handler;
use PKP\security\authorization\PKPSiteAccessPolicy;

class DashboardHandler extends Handler
    public function authorize(Request $request, array &$args, array $roleAssignments): bool
        $this->addPolicy(new PKPSiteAccessPolicy($request, null, $roleAssignments));

        return parent::authorize($request, $args, $roleAssignments);

More than one Policy can be applied.

use APP\core\Request;
use APP\handler\Handler;
use APP\security\authorization\OjsJournalMustPublishPolicy;
use PKP\security\authorization\ContextRequiredPolicy;

class IssueHandler extends Handler
    public function authorize(Request $request, array &$args, array $roleAssignments): bool
        $this->addPolicy(new ContextRequiredPolicy($request));
        $this->addPolicy(new OjsJournalMustPublishPolicy($request));

        return parent::authorize($request, $args, $roleAssignments);

Policys can be grouped into a PolicySet. Use PolicySet::COMBINING_PERMIT_OVERRIDES when you want to allow access if any of the policies pass.

use APP\core\Request;
use APP\handler\Handler;
use PKP\security\authorization\PolicySet;
use PKP\security\authorization\internal\SubmissionAuthorPolicy;
use PKP\security\authorization\internal\UserAccessibleWorkflowStageRequiredPolicy;

class WorkflowHandler extends Handler
     * @copydoc PKPHandler::authorize()
    public function authorize(Request $request, array &$args, array $roleAssignments): bool

        $submissionAccessPolicySet = new PolicySet(PolicySet::COMBINING_PERMIT_OVERRIDES);

        // Require that they are the author...
        $submissionAccessPolicySet->addPolicy(new SubmissionAuthorPolicy($request));

        // ... OR that they are assigned to the submission.
        $submissionAccessPolicySet->addPolicy(new UserAccessibleWorkflowStageRequiredPolicy($request));


        return parent::authorize($request, $args, $roleAssignments);

Use PolicySet::COMBINING_DENY_OVERRIDES when you want to prevent access if any of the policies fail.

use APP\core\Request;
use APP\handler\Handler;
use PKP\security\authorization\PolicySet;
use PKP\security\authorization\RoleBasedHandlerOperationPolicy;
use PKP\security\authorization\QueryWorkflowStageAccessPolicy;
use PKP\security\Role;

class QueryHandler extends Handler
     * @copydoc PKPHandler::authorize()
    public function authorize(Request $request, array &$args, array $roleAssignments): bool

        $assistantAccessPolicySet = new PolicySet(PolicySet::COMBINING_DENY_OVERRIDES);

        // Require that they have the assistant role...
        $assistantAccessPolicySet->addPolicy(new RoleBasedHandlerOperationPolicy($request, Role::ROLE_ID_ASSISTANT, $roleAssignments[Role::ROLE_ID_ASSISTANT]));

        // ... AND that they are assigned to this stage of the workflow.
        $assistantAccessPolicySet->addPolicy(new QueryWorkflowStageAccessPolicy($request, $args, $roleAssignments, 'submissionId', $stageId));


        return parent::authorize($request, $args, $roleAssignments);

Create your own PolicySet class to define reusable rules.

namespace PKP\security\authorization;

use APP\core\Request;
use PKP\security\authorization\PolicySet;

class ExamplePolicy extends PolicySet {
    public function __construct(Request $request, array $args, array $roleAssignments, ...)


        $policySet = new PolicySet(...);

use APP\core\Request;
use APP\handler\Handler;
use PKP\security\authorization\ExamplePolicy;

class ExampleHandler extends Handler
    public function authorize(Request $request, array &$args, array $roleAssignments): bool
        $this->addPolicy(new ExamplePolicy($request, $args, $roleAssignments, ...));

        return parent::authorize($request, $args, $roleAssignments);

Define distinct policies for each route in the Handler by checking the requested operation.

use APP\core\Request;
use APP\handler\Handler;

class DashboardHandler extends Handler
    public function authorize(Request $request, array &$args, array $roleAssignments): bool


        $requestedOp = $request->getRouter()->getRequestedOp($request);
        if ($requestedOp === 'adminStatistics') {

        return parent::authorize($request, $args, $roleAssignments);

Check the route name when using an APIHandler.

use APP\core\Request;
use APP\handler\Handler;

class SubmissionHandler extends APIHandler {
    public function authorize(Request $request, array &$args, array $roleAssignments): bool


        $routeName = $this->getSlimRequest()->getAttribute('route');
        if ($routeName === 'get') {

        return parent::authorize($request, $args, $roleAssignments);

Authorizing by User Role #

A PageHandler will define which roles can access its operations and apply the RoleBasedHandlerOperationPolicy policy.

use APP\core\Request;
use APP\handler\Handler;
use PKP\security\authorization\PolicySet;
use PKP\security\authorization\RoleBasedHandlerOperationPolicy;
use PKP\security\Role;

class ExampleHandler extends Handler

    public function __construct() {


            [Role::ROLE_ID_ADMIN, Role::ROLE_ID_MANAGER]


    public function authorize(Request $request, array &$args, array $roleAssignments): bool
        $rolePolicy = new PolicySet(PolicySet::COMBINING_PERMIT_OVERRIDES);

        foreach($roleAssignments as $role => $operations) {
            $rolePolicy->addPolicy(new RoleBasedHandlerOperationPolicy($request, $role, $operations));

        return parent::authorize($request, $args, $roleAssignments);

An APIHandler will do the same when defining its routes.

use APP\core\Request;
use PKP\handler\APIHandler;
use PKP\security\authorization\PolicySet;
use PKP\security\authorization\RoleBasedHandlerOperationPolicy;
use PKP\security\Role;

class SubmissionsHandler extends APIHandler

    public function __construct() {
        $this->_endpoints = [
            'GET' => [
                    'pattern' => 'submissions/{id}',
                    'handler' => [$this, 'get'],
                    'roles' => [Role::ROLE_ID_MANAGER, Role::ROLE_ID_AUTHOR],
                    'pattern' => 'submissions/{id}/stats',
                    'handler' => [$this, 'getStats'],
                    'roles' => [Role::ROLE_ID_MANAGER],

    public function authorize(Request $request, array &$args, array $roleAssignments): bool
        $rolePolicy = new PolicySet(PolicySet::COMBINING_PERMIT_OVERRIDES);

        foreach($roleAssignments as $role => $operations) {
            $rolePolicy->addPolicy(new RoleBasedHandlerOperationPolicy($request, $role, $operations));

        return parent::authorize($request, $args, $roleAssignments);

Authorizing by Submission Assignment #

When authorizing access to a submission, you must check what roles the user is assigned for that submission.

use APP\core\Request;
use APP\handler\Handler;
use PKP\security\authorization\PolicySet;
use PKP\security\authorization\WorkflowStageAccessPolicy;

class SubmissionFileHandler extends Handler

    public function authorize(Request $request, array &$args, array $roleAssignments): bool
        // Users are assigned to specific stages of a submission's
        // workflow. Check access to the stage, not the submission.
        // In this example, the stage id is submitted as a query
        // parameter with the request.
        $stageId = $request->getUserVar('stageId');

        // The submission ID should be submitted as a query
        // parameter. Tell the policy what parameter to check for
        // the submission id. In this example, we assume the URL
        // used for the request included ?submissionId=1
        $queryParam = 'submissionId';

        $this->addPoliicy(new WorkflowStageAccessPolicy($request, $args, $roleAssignments, $queryParam, $stageId));

        return parent::authorize($request, $args, $roleAssignments);

This should be applied whenever you authorize access to any object of the submission’s workflow. Editors can do double duty as Reviewers and Authors, and in such circumstances should not have access to all details of the workflow.

Authorized Objects #

Policies work by checking that the requested objects exist and that the current user has permission to access them. These objects can be stored when authorization is completed and retrieved later when responding to the request.

Store an authorized object when a AuthorizationPolicy has retrieved it from the database and it has passed that AuthorizationPolicy’s rules.

namespace PKP\security\authorization;

use APP\core\Application;
use PKP\security\authorization\AuthorizationPolicy;

class QueryRequiredPolicy extends AuthorizationPolicy
    public function dataObjectEffect(): bool
        // Get the requested query and confirm that it exists
        if (!$query) {
            return AuthorizationPolicy::AUTHORIZATION_DENY;

        // Store the authorized object
        $this->addAuthorizedContextObject(Application::ASSOC_TYPE_QUERY, $query);

        return AuthorizationPolicy::AUTHORIZATION_PERMIT;

Retrieve an authorized object in the Handler.

use APP\core\Application;
use APP\handler\Handler;
use PKP\security\authorization\QueryRequiredPolicy;

class ExampleHandler extends Handler
    public function authorize(...)
        // QueryRequiredPolicy stores the requested Query
        // as an authorized object
        $this->addPolicy(new QueryRequiredPolicy(...));
        return parent::authorize(...);

    public function readQuery(...)
        // Retrieve the authorized query object
        $query = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(Application::ASSOC_TYPE_QUERY);


You can access the current user’s roles whenever the RoleBasedHandlerOperationPolicy has been invoked.

use APP\core\Application;
use APP\handler\Handler;
use PKP\security\authorization\RoleBasedHandlerOperationPolicy;

class ExampleHandler extends Handler

    public function authorize(...) {
        $this->addPolicy(new RoleBasedHandlerOperationPolicy(...));
        return parent::authorize(...);

    public function readQuery(...) {
        $userRoles = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(Application::ASSOC_TYPE_USER_ROLES);

You can access the current user’s assigned role in the current submission when the WorkflowStageAccessPolicy has been invoked.

use APP\core\Application;
use APP\handler\Handler;
use PKP\security\authorization\WorkflowStageAccessPolicy;

class ExampleHandler extends Handler
    public function authorize(...) {
        $this->addPolicy(new WorkflowStageAccessPolicy(...));
        return parent::authorize(...);

    public function readQuery(...) {
        $currentSubmission = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(Application::ASSOC_TYPE_SUBMISSION);
        $assignedRoles = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(Application::ASSOC_TYPE_ACCESSIBLE_WORKFLOW_STAGES);

Now that the user has been authorized, learn how to work with entities.