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Email is sent using Laravel’s Mail framework. The PKP\mail\Mailable extends Laravel’s Mailable class to add support for envelope senders, DMARC compliance, and Email Templates.

In its simplest form, you can use the Mailable class directly to compose and send an email.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use PKP\mail\Mailable;

$mailable = new Mailable();
    ->subject('New submission')
    ->body('A new submission is ready for review.');


Mailables #

Most emails sent by the application make use of Email Templates that can be customized for each journal, press or preprint server. To make use of email templates, create a new Mailable for each email.

namespace PKP\mail\mailables;

use PKP\mail\Mailable;

class SubmissionReceived extends Mailable
    /** A custom key for the associated email template */

     * One or more of the GROUP_ constants
     * This is used to organize mailables in the email management
     * UI shown to journal managers.
    protected static array $groupIds = [

    public function __construct()

Use the Mailable to compose and send the email.

use APP\facades\Repo;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use PKP\mail\mailables\SubmissionReceived;

$emailTemplate = Repo::emailTemplates()->getByKey(

$mailable = new SubmissionReceived();


Variables #

Most Email Templates make use of variables. For example, the body of an email template may use the following:

Thank you for your submission to {$journalName}.

The journal’s name would be inserted when the email is sent.

Thank you for your submission to Journal of Public Knowledge.

Pass dependencies to a Mailable’s constructor to define the variables that can be used in the email.

namespace PKP\mail\mailables;

use PKP\context\Context;
use PKP\mail\Mailable;
use PKP\submission\Submission;

class SubmissionReceived extends Mailable
    /** ... */

    public function __construct(Context $context, Submission $submission)

The objects passed to the constructor will be transformed into data for the variables.

use PKP\facades\Locale;
use PKP\mail\mailables\SubmissionReceived;

$currentLocale = Locale::getLocale();
$mailable = new SubmissionReceived($context, $submission);

    'journalName' => 'Journal of Public Knowledge',
    'journalUrl' => 'https://journal.com',
    'submissionTitle' => 'Yam diseases and its management in Nigeria',
    'submissionUrl' => 'https://journal.com/workflow/access/15',

Use the variables in an email’s subject and body.

use APP\facades\Repo;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use PKP\mail\mailables\SubmissionReceived;

$subject = 'New submission to {$journalName}';
$body = 'A new submission is ready to review: {$submissionTitle}.';

$mailable = new SubmissionReceived($context, $submission);

FROM: nate@example.com
TO: vitaliy@example.com
SUBJECT: New submission to Journal of Public Knowledge

A new submission is ready to review: Yam diseases and its management in Nigeria

Get a description of the variables supported by a Mailable.

use PKP\mail\mailables\SubmissionReceived;

$supportedVariables = SubmissionReceived::getDataDescriptions();

    'journalName' => 'The name of the journal',
    'journalUrl' => 'The URL to the journal',
    'submissionTitle' => 'The title of the submission',
    'submissionUrl' => 'The URL to the editorial workflow for this submission',

Sender and Recipients #

Mailables provide common variables for the sender and recipients, such as {$senderName} and {$recipientName}. Add the Recipient or Sender traits to a Mailable class to use these variables.

namespace PKP\mail\mailables;

use PKP\mail\Mailable;
use PKP\mail\mailables\Recipient;
use PKP\mail\mailables\Sender;

class SubmissionReceived extends Mailable
    use Recipient;
    use Sender;

    /* ... */

Use the sender() and recipients() methods instead of the from() and to() methods.

use APP\facades\Repo;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use PKP\mail\mailables\SubmissionReceived;

$recipients = Repo::users()->getMany($collector);

$mailable = new SubmissionReceived($context, $submission);


Custom Variables #

A Mailable may require variables that are not generated automatically. Add custom variables to a Mailable by extending the data and description functions.

namespace PKP\mail\mailables;

use APP\decision\Decision;
use APP\submission\Submission;
use PKP\context\Context;
use PKP\mail\Mailable;
use PKP\mail\traits\Recipient;
use PKP\mail\traits\Sender;

class Example extends Mailable
    use Recipient;
    use Sender;

    public const AUTHOR_GUIDELINES = 'authorGuidelines';

    protected Context $context;

    public function __construct(Context $context)
        $this->context = $context;

    public static function getDataDescriptions(): array
        $variables = parent::getDataDescriptions();
        $variables[self::AUTHOR_GUIDELINES] = 'The author guidelines configured by this journal.';

        return $variables;

    public function setData(?string $locale = null)
        $this->viewData[self::AUTHOR_GUIDELINES] = $this->context->getData('authorGuidelines', $locale);

Unsupported Features #

Some of Laravel’s Mailable features are not supported in this application. Please consider the following when working with mailables.

  • Laravel’s email localization tools are not supported.
  • Do not configure email headers from within the Mailable. Email headers are managed for all outgoing email to ensure compliance with the envelope_sender and DMARC configuration options.
  • Markdown and Blade templates are not supported. Use the email template variables described above.
  • When inspecting Mailable::$viewData, the message key will appear but this is not a template variable that will be rendered when the email is sent. It is used internally.
  • The Illuminate library’s View class is not used. Use the methods Mailable::subject() and Mailable::body() to configure the message.