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Submission Files

Read and understand how Files are handled before continuing.

Submission files are used to track the progress of a file through the editorial workflow. For example, a file might be uploaded by the author during submission, promoted to the review stage by an editor, revised again by the author, and downloaded by a copyeditor.

Each SubmissionFile represents a file at one of these file stages. For example, when an editor promotes a file from the Submission stage to the Review stage, there are two SubmissionFile objects which refer to the same file.

SubmissionFile::submission_file_id file_id file_stage

Submission files can be revised. For example, the file in the Review stage may need to be anonymized before it can be sent for review. When the editor uploads a modified copy as a revision, the file_id is changed but a new SubmissionFile is not created.

SubmissionFile::submission_file_id file_id file_stage

Editors and assistants can access all revisions of a file in the submission file’s activity log.

File Stages #

All submission files are assigned to one file stage. File stages overlap with the submission workflow stages, but each workflow stage can have more than one file stage. For example, the Review workflow stage has one file stage for files to be sent to reviewers and another file stage for revisions uploaded by the author.

Most file stages correspond to a list of files in the submission workflow, such as the Review Files, Copyedited Files, or Production Ready Files. Other file stages are used to identify submission files that are attached to discussions, review assignments and galleys or publication formats.

File Stage Description
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_SUBMISSION Files uploaded during submission.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_REVIEW_FILE Files to be sent for peer review.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_REVIEW_ATTACHMENT Files uploaded by a reviewer.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_ATTACHMENT Files attached by an editor to the email requesting revisions. These files are not displayed in the author dashboard.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_REVIEW_REVISION Revisions uploaded by the author after peer review.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_INTERNAL_REVIEW_FILE Files to be sent for internal review. Only used in OMP.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_INTERNAL_REVIEW_REVISION Revisions uploaded by the author after peer review. Only used in OMP.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_FINAL Files to be copyedited.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_COPYEDIT Files that have been copyedited.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_PRODUCTION_READY Files ready to be typeset. For example, a file that is ready to be converted to PDF.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_PROOF Files attached to a galley (OJS/OPS) or publication format (OMP).
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_DEPENDENT Files that are never downloaded directly but are attached to another file. For example, a CSS file uploaded as a dependent file to a HTML file. Dependent files are uploaded separately when an HTML or XML file is detected.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_QUERY Files uploaded to a discussion.
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_NOTE This file stage is not used.

Files assigned to the review file or revision stages must be associated with a review round.

use PKP\submissionFile\SubmissionFile;

$submissionFile->setData('fileStage', SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_REVIEW_FILE);
$submissionFile->setData('assocType', ASSOC_TYPE_REVIEW_ROUND);
$submissionFile->setData('assocId', $reviewRoundId);

Files assigned to the SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_QUERY file stage must be associated with a query note.

use PKP\submissionFile\SubmissionFile;

$submissionFile->setData('fileStage', SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_QUERY);
$submissionFile->setData('assocType', ASSOC_TYPE_NOTE);
$submissionFile->setData('assocId', $noteId);

Submission File Repository #

Use the Repository to add, edit and delete submission files. This ensures that event logs are kept to track revisions, identify the uploader of a file, and update pending tasks.

Use the File Service to create a file. Then assign the fileId to a SubmissionFile.

use APP\core\Application;
use APP\core\Services;
use APP\facades\Repo;

$fileId = Services::get('file')->add($source, $destination);
		'fileId' => $fileId,
		'uploaderUserId' => Application::get()->getRequest()->getUser()->getId(),

Submission files can not be created without required properties.

use APP\facades\Repo;
use PKP\submissionFile\SubmissionFile;

$submissionFile = Repo::submissionFile()->newDataObject([
	'fileStage' => SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_REVIEW_FILE,
	'fileId' => $fileId,
	'name' => [
		$primaryLocale => 'my-filename.txt',
	'submissionId' => $submissionId,
	'uploaderUserId' => $userId,

Validate the submission file before it is added or edited.

use APP\facades\Repo;
use PKP\submissionFile\SubmissionFile;

$params = [
	'fileStage' => SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_REVIEW_FILE,
	'fileId' => $fileId,
	'name' => [
		$primaryLocale => 'my-filename.txt',
	'submissionId' => $submissionId,
	'uploaderUserId' => $userId,

$errors = Repo::submissionFile()->validate(null, $params, $allowedLocales, $primaryLocale);

if (empty($errors)) {
	$submissionFile = Repo::submissionFile()->newDataObject($params);
	$id = Repo::submissionFile()->add($submissionFile);

Component Types #

Submission files should be assigned a genreId. This matches one of the submission component types, such as Article Text, Data Set or Book Monograph.

$submissionFile->setData('genreId', 1);

File Access #

Access to a submission file is granted based on the user’s assignment to a submission. For example, an author should not be able to access files uploaded by reviewers. A copyeditor should only be able to access files in the copyediting stage.

Use the getAssignedFileStages() method to determine what file stages can be accessed by a manager, subeditor, assistant or author.

use APP\facades\Repo;
use PKP\submissionFile\SubmissionFile;

$stageAssignments = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(ASSOC_TYPE_ACCESSIBLE_WORKFLOW_STAGES);
$assignedFileStages = Repo::submissionFile()->getAssignedFileStages($stageAssignments, SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_ACCESS_READ);

Use the ReviewFilesDAO to check if a reviewer can access a file.

use PKP\db\DAORegistry;

$reviewFilesDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('ReviewFilesDAO'); /* @var $reviewFilesDao ReviewFilesDAO */
$reviewerCanAccess = $reviewFilesDao->check($reviewAssignment->getId(), $submissionFile->getId());

Use the QueryDAO to check if a user can access a discussion file.

use APP\core\Application;
use PKP\db\DAORegistry;
use PKP\submissionFile\SubmissionFile;

if (
	$submissionFile->getData('fileStage') === SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_QUERY &&
	$submissionFile->getData('assocType') === ASSOC_TYPE_NOTE
) {
	$queryDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('QueryDAO'); /* @var $queryDao QueryDAO */
	$noteDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('NoteDAO'); /* @var $noteDao NoteDAO */

	$user = Application::get()->getRequest()->getUser();
	$note = $noteDao->getById($submissionFile->getData('assocId'));

	if ($queryDao->getParticipantIds($note->getAssocId(), $user->getId())) {
		// User can access this submission file

The following table describes when users are granted access to submission files.

File Stage Manager Subeditor1 Assistant1 Author Reviewer
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_DEPENDENT9 ? ? ? ? ?
SubmissionFile::SUBMISSION_FILE_QUERY5 ? ? ? ? ?
  1. Access is granted when the user group is assigned to the related workflow stage.
  2. Access is granted before submission is complete.
  3. Access is granted after revisions are requested.
  4. Access is granted when file has been shared with author during editor decision. The viewable column in the submission_files table is set to true.
  5. Access is granted when the user is assigned to the correct query. Users can only delete files attached to their own query notes.
  6. Only used in OMP.
  7. Access is granted when file has been shared with the review assignment. An entry is added to the review_files table.
  8. Read access only.
  9. Access to dependent files is granted if the user has access to the parent file.