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Data Access Objects (DAOs)

Each entity has a DAO that converts between the entity’s DataObject class and the data store where records are kept. The data store is usually the database, but some DAOs may interact with file storage, text files, or other data stores.

A DAO should only read and write its objects to the data store. A DAO should not log events, send emails, or coordinate other activities when interacting with the data store. A DAO should only interact with the tables necessary to read and write objects for its entity. Use a Repository to perform other actions.

Each entity DAO extends EntityDAO and sets the properties which define the entity’s schema and table structure.

namespace PKP\publication;

use PKP\core\EntityDAO;
use PKP\services\PKPSchemaService;

class DAO extends EntityDAO
    public $schema = PKPSchemaService::SCHEMA_PUBLICATION;
    public $table = 'publications';
    public $settingsTable = 'publication_settings';
    public $primaryKeyColumn = 'publication_id';
    public $primaryKeyColumns = [
        'id' => 'publication_id',
        'datePublished' => 'date_published',

The EntityDAO provides helper methods to read/write objects based on the schema.

namespace PKP\publication;

use PKP\core\EntityDAO;
use PKP\services\PKPSchemaService;

class DAO extends EntityDAO
    public $schema = PKPSchemaService::SCHEMA_PUBLICATION;
    public $table = 'publications';
    public $settingsTable = 'publication_settings';
    public $primaryKeyColumn = 'publication_id';
    public $primaryKeyColumns = [
        'id' => 'publication_id',
        'datePublished' => 'date_published',

    public function get(int $publicationId) : Publication
        return parent::get($publicationId);

    public function insert(Publication $publication) : int
        return parent::_insert($publication);

    public function update(Publication $publication)
        return parent::_update($publication);

    public function delete(Publication $publication)
        return parent::_delete($publication);

With a defined schema, a DAO that extends EntityDAO knows how to use a schema file to read and write objects to its primary and settings tables. For example, the DAO class above can get a Publication from the database.

use PKP\publication\DAO;

$dao = new DAO;
$publication = $dao->get($publicationId);
$title = $publication->getData('title');

In some cases, it may be necessary for an entity to store some of its data in another table. In the example below, the DAO gets and stores keywords for a Publication in another table.

namespace PKP\publication;

use PKP\core\EntityDAO;
use PKP\services\PKPSchemaService;
use PKP\submission\SubmissionKeywordDAO;
use stdClass;

class DAO extends EntityDAO
    protected $keywordDao;

    public function __construct(SubmissionKeywordDAO $keywordDao)
        $this->keywordDao = $keywordDao;

     * Get the keywords from another table
     * when a publication is fetched from
     * the data store.
    public function fromRow(stdClass $row) : Publication
        $publication = parent::fromRow($row);


        return $publication;

     * Write the keywords to another table
     * when a publication is saved to the
     * data store.
    public function insert(Publication $publication) : int
        // Extract keywords from the data set so they are not
        // automatically saved to the settings table
        if (isset($publication->_data['keywords'])) {
            $keywords = $publication->getData('keywords');

        $publicationId = parent::_insert($publication);

        // Save keywords to another table
        if (isset($keywords)) {
            $this->keywordDao->insertKeywords($keywords, $publicationId);

        return $publicationId;

A DAO will often require methods to get data that are not supported by the EntityDAO. These should be written as public methods using Laravel’s Query Builder.

namespace PKP\publication;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use PKP\core\EntityDAO;

class DAO extends EntityDAO
     * Get the submission id by its url path
    public function getIdByUrlPath(string $urlPath, int $contextId): ?int
        $publication = DB::table('publications as p')
            ->leftJoin('submissions as s', 's.submission_id', '=', 'p.submission_id')
            ->where('s.context_id', '=', $contextId)
            ->where('p.url_path', '=', $urlPath)

        return $publication
            ? $publication->submission_id
            : null;

Deprecated DAOs #

Entities that do not yet have a schema can not extend the EntityDAO. These entities have a DAO class with its own methods for reading and writing objects.

Use the retrieve and _fromRow methods to get something from the database.

use PKP\submission\reviewRound\ReviewRoundDAO;

$reviewRoundDAO = new ReviewRoundDAO();
$result = $reviewRoundDao->retrieve(
    'SELECT * FROM review_rounds WHERE review_round_id = ?',
if ($result->RecordCount()) {
    $reviewRound = $reviewRoundDao->_fromRow($result->GetRowAssoc(false));

Most DAOs have a helper method to get a DataObject by ID.

use PKP\submission\reviewRound\ReviewRoundDAO;

$reviewRoundDAO = new ReviewRoundDAO();
$reviewRound = $reviewRoundDAO->getById($reviewRoundId);

Use the retrieveRange method to get a limited number of items from the database.

use PKP\submission\reviewRound\ReviewRoundDAO;

$reviewRoundDAO = new ReviewRoundDAO();
$result = $reviewRoundDao->retrieveRange(
    'SELECT * FROM review_rounds WHERE submission_id = ?',
    new DBRange($count, $pageNumber)
$resultFactory = new DAOResultFactory($result, $reviewRoundDao, '_fromRow');

Iterate over a DAOResultFactory to access each result in the set.

while ($reviewRound = $resultFactory->next()) {
    echo 'Review Round: ' . $reviewRound->getData('round');

Use the update method to insert or update records.

use PKP\query\QueryDAO;
$queryDao = new QueryDAO();
    'UPDATE queries
        SET closed = 1
        WHERE assoc_type = ?
            AND assoc_id = ?',

Most DAOs include helper methods to insert, update, or delete records when passed a DataObject.


Learn how to get maps and interact with entities through a repository.