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Maps are used to convert one or more objects to another format. Maps can be used to export data, format objects for the REST API, or deposit data in third-party services like Crossref.

A Map can be written to prepare data in JSON, XML, CSV or any other format. The most common maps are those used to convert a DataObject to JSON according to its schema.

A map must implement at least one public method to perform the map.

namespace PKP\announcement\maps;

use PKP\announcement\Announcement;
use PKP\services\PKPSchemaService;

class Schema extends \PKP\core\maps\Schema
    public $schema = PKPSchemaService::SCHEMA_ANNOUNCEMENT;

    public function map(Announcement $item): array
        // Get the properties defined in the schema
        $props = $this->getProps();

        return $this->mapByProperties($props, $item);

    protected function mapByProperties(array $props, Announcement $item): array
        $output = [];
        foreach ($props as $prop) {
            switch ($prop) {

                // Any property defined in the schema that isn't
                // available in the DataObject must be set manually.
                case '_href':
                    $output[$prop] = $this->getApiUrl('announcements/' . $item->getId());

                // Get other properties from the DataObject
                    $output[$prop] = $item->getData($prop);

        return $this->withExtensions($output, $item);

A schema map will typically implement public methods to map one or many objects, as well as methods to return only the summary properties of the schema.

class Schema extends \PKP\core\maps\Schema
    /** @var Enumerable */
    public $collection;

    /** @var string */
    public $schema = PKPSchemaService::SCHEMA_ANNOUNCEMENT;

    public function map(Announcement $item): array
        return $this->mapByProperties($this->getProps(), $item);

    public function summarize(Announcement $item): array
        return $this->mapByProperties($this->getSummaryProps(), $item);

    public function mapMany(Enumerable $collection): Enumerable
        $this->collection = $collection;
        return $collection->map(function ($item) {
            return $this->map($item);

    public function summarizeMany(Enumerable $collection): Enumerable
        $this->collection = $collection;
        return $collection->map(function ($item) {
            return $this->summarize($item);

     * Map schema properties of an Announcement to an assoc array
    protected function mapByProperties(array $props, Announcement $item): array
        $output = [];


        return $this->withExtensions($output, $item);

Create a new Map whenever you need to convert to a new output format.

namespace PKP\announcement\maps;

class RSS
    /** @var DOMDocument */
    public $xml;

    public function map(Enumerable $announcements): DOMDocument
        $this->xml = new DOMDocument('1.0');
        foreach ($announcements as $announcement) {

        return $this->xml->saveXML();

    protected function mapEach(Announcement $announcement): DOMDocument
        $root = $this->xml->createElement('item');
        $title = $this->xml->createElement('title');

        $root = $this->withExtensions($root, $announcement);


Using Maps #

Maps should always be loaded through the MapContainer class, which will permit maps to be extended by plugins. Use the app('maps') helper to load a map through the container.

use PKP\announcement\maps\Schema;

$map = app('maps')->withExtensions(Schema::class);

Maps loaded in this way can be extended by plugins or any third-party code.

use PKP\announcement\maps\Schema;

app('maps')->extend(Schema::class, function($output, Announcement $item, Schema $map) {
    // Add days since the announcement was posted
    $then = new DateTime($item->getData('datePosted'));
    $now = new DateTime();
    $output['daysSince'] = (int) $now->diff($then)->format('%a');

    return $output;

When writing a map, use the withExtensions() method to return the result for each item so that plugin extensions are applied.

class ExampleMap
    public function map(Item $item)
        $output = [$item->id];

        return $this->withExtensions($output, $item);

A Repository should provide a method to load any map related to its entity.

namespace PKP\announcement;

class Repository
     * Get an instance of the map class for mapping
     * announcements to their schema
    public function getSchemaMap(): maps\Schema
        return app('maps')->withExtensions(maps\Schema::class);

When available, use the Repo facade to load and run maps.

use APP\facades\Repo;

$json = Repo::announcement()

Learn more about the database structure.