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Controllers are deprecated and should not be used to build new features. The documentation provided here is for developers who need to modify an existing controller.

Many of the objects in PKP’s applications have not yet been converted to use the REST API, entity schema, and UI Library. These objects make use of controllers.

A controller is a special kind of Handler which receives and responds to ajax requests. It receives HTTP requests, compiles a template into a fragment of HTML for the component, and sends it back in a JSON payload. A JavaScript handler processes the JSON and updates the DOM.

Developers are encouraged to read the controller sections of the Routes and Handlers documentation before continuing.

Grids #

Grids provide a UI controller which is used to list items. A grid typically provides the ability to add, edit and delete these items.

Grids are composed of a GridHandler which coordinates the whole list. A GridRow is created for each item in the list. And one or more GridCell classes determine which data to display in each column.

A grid works by extending the GridHandler class and defining an initialize method.

class PKPReviewerGridHandler extends GridHandler {
	 * @copydoc GridHandler::initialize()
	public function initialize(Request $request, $args = null) {
		parent::initialize($request, $args);


Actions such as adding a new item to the grid are defined in the initialize method. The example below adds a button that opens a modal with a form.

The next section will describe how to load and handle a form controller.

public function initialize(Request $request, $args = null) {
	parent::initialize($request, $args);


	// Get a URL to the GridHandler's `showReviewerForm` op
	$reviewerFormUrl = $request->getRouter()->url(
			'submissionId' => $submissionId,

		new LinkAction(
			new AjaxModal(


The columns that should be shown in each row are also defined in the initialize method.

public function initialize(Request $request, $args = null) {


	$cellProvider = new ReviewerGridCellProvider();

	// Add a column for the reviewer's name
		new GridColumn(

	// Add a column for the status of the review assignment
		new GridColumn(

Finally, the grid must define a loadData method that gets the items to be displayed. It should return an array of DataObjects.

class PKPReviewerGridHandler extends GridHandler {
	 * @copydoc GridHandler::initialize()
	public function initialize(Request $request, $args = null) {

	 * @see GridHandler::loadData()
	protected function loadData($request, $filter) {
		// Get the existing review assignments for this submission
		$reviewRound = $this->getReviewRound();
		$reviewAssignmentDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('ReviewAssignmentDAO'); /* @var $reviewAssignmentDao ReviewAssignmentDAO */
		return $reviewAssignmentDao->getByReviewRoundId($reviewRound->getId());

Each item in the array returned by loadData will be passed to a new class that extends the GridRow class.

class ReviewerGridRow extends GridRow {

	 * @copydoc GridRow::initialize()
	public function initialize($request, $template = null) {
		parent::initialize($request, $template);


Actions related to each row should be defined in the initialize method of the GridRow class. The example below adds a button that opens a modal with the review details.

class ReviewerGridRow extends GridRow {

	 * @copydoc GridRow::initialize()
	public function initialize($request, $template = null) {
		parent::initialize($request, $template);

		// Get a URL to the GridHandler's `readReview` op
		$readReviewUrl = $request->getRouter()->url(
				'submissionId' => $submissionId,
				'reviewerId' => $this->getId(),

			new LinkAction(
				new AjaxModal(

Let the GridHandler know which GridRow class should be loaded.

class PKPReviewerGridHandler extends GridHandler {


	 * @see GridHandler::getRowInstance()
	 * @return ReviewerGridRow
	protected function getRowInstance() {
		return new ReviewerGridRow();

Finally, a GridCellProvider class will map each item to one of the grid columns for display.

Read the examples above that use $this->addColumn() to see how the grid cell provider is loaded in the GridHandler.

class ReviewerGridCellProvider extends DataObjectGridCellProvider {

	 * @param $row GridRow
	 * @param $column GridColumn
	 * @return array
	public function getTemplateVarsFromRowColumn($row, $column) {

		// Get the ReviewAssignment for this row
		$reviewAssignment = $row->getData();

		switch ($column->getId()) {
			case 'name':
				return ['label' => $reviewAssignment->getReviewerFullName()];
			case 'status':
				return ['label' => $reviewAssignment->getStatus()];

		return parent::getTemplateVarsFromRowColumn($row, $column);

GridHandler Ops #

In an example above an action was added to each review assignment that opens the review in a modal. Review that code below.

class ReviewerGridRow extends GridRow {

	 * @copydoc GridRow::initialize()
	public function initialize($request, $template = null) {
		parent::initialize($request, $template);

		// Get a URL to the GridHandler's `readReview` op
		$readReviewUrl = $request->getRouter()->url(
				'submissionId' => $submissionId,
				'reviewerId' => $this->getId(),

			new LinkAction(
				new AjaxModal(

The LinkAction loads the modal and the modal makes a request to the $readReviewUrl, which is routed to the PKPReviewerGridHandler. In order to make this request work, the PKPReviewerGridHandler must implement a readReview method that returns the HTML to be displayed in the modal.

class PKPReviewerGridHandler extends GridHandler {


	 * Return the review details to be displayed in the modal
	 * @param $args array
	 * @param $request PKPRequest
	 * @return JSONMessage JSON object
	public function readReview($args, $request) {

		// The review assignment should be an authorized
		// context object due to the authorization policies.
		// Learn more about authorization under the
		// Architecture > Authorization section of the
		// documentation.
		$reviewAssignment = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(ASSOC_TYPE_REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT);

		// Pass the review assignment to the template
		$templateMgr = TemplateManager::getManager($request);
			'reviewAssignment' => $reviewAssignment,

		// Return a JSONMessage which renders a template
		// to be displayed in the modal.
		return $templateMgr->fetchJson('controllers/grid/users/reviewer/readReview.tpl');

Every action created by the grid handler or the grid row will require an operation in the GridHandler to receive the request and return a JSONMessage.

Forms #

Most controllers are used to display a Form, which presents the form, receives the form submission, validates the input, and executes the changes.

The forms described here are used by Controllers which have been deprecated. Use the forms in the UI Library when building forms for new features.

Every form extends the Form class. Define the template to use to render the form and add validation checks in the constructor method.


class PKPAuthorForm extends Form {

	public function __construct($publication, $author =  null) {

		// The template that should be used to render the form

		// Save object dependencies that will be needed to
		// render, validate and execute the form.
		$this->publication = $publication;
		$this->author = $author;

		// Add validation checks
		// This example requires a given name in the publication's
		// default locale
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorLocale(

		// All forms should validate the request for a POST
		// method and check the CSRF token
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorPost($this));
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorCSRF($this));

Initialize the data that will be used in the form. This makes pre-existing data available in the template when editing an object.

class PKPAuthorForm extends Form {


	public function initData() {

		if ($this->author) {
			$this->_data = [
				'authorId' => $this->author->getId(),
				'givenName' => $this->author->getGivenName(null),

		return parent::initData();

Render the form’s template.

class PKPAuthorForm extends Form {


	public function fetch($request, $template = null, $display = false) {

		$templateMgr = TemplateManager::getManager($request);
			'submissionId' => $this->publication->getData('submissionId'),
			'publicationId' => $this->publication->getId(),

		// By default the template defined in the constructor
		// will be loaded
		return parent::fetch($request, $template, $display);

Read the input data when the form is submitted.

class PKPAuthorForm extends Form {


	public function readInputData() {

		// Store request variables from $_POST
		// in $this->_data.

Save the form and update the object.

class PKPAuthorForm extends Form {


	public function execute(...$functionParams) {

		$author = $this->author;
		if (!$author) {
			$author = DAORegistry::getDAO('AuthorDAO')->newDataObject();

		$author->setGivenName($this->getData('givenName'), null);


		if ($this->author) {
		} else {

		return $author->getId();

The execute method will only be called if it passes the validation requirements configured in the constructor.

Finally, each form needs a template. Use the FormBuilderVocabulary to build a template for the form and the fields.

<!-- controllers/grid/users/author/form/authorForm.tpl -->
	$(function() {ldelim}

<form class="pkp_form" id="editAuthor" method="post" action="{url op="updateAuthor" authorId=$authorId}">
	<input type="hidden" name="submissionId" value="{$submissionId|escape}" />
	<input type="hidden" name="publicationId" value="{$publicationId|escape}" />

	{fbvElement type="text" label="user.givenName" multilingual="true" name="givenName" id="givenName" value=$givenName required="true"}


	{fbvFormButtons submitText="common.save"}