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Email Templates

Email templates mix customized, editable data with fixed defaults. For this reason, the behavior of the EmailTemplateService differs from other entity service classes. This section describes some of the differences.

Use keys instead of ids #

Default email templates do not have ids. Instead, get an email template by its key.

$emailTemplate = Services::get('emailTemplate')->getByKey($contextId, $key);

Default and custom templates #

Default templates are installed when the application is created or a new locale is added. These templates are used during the workflow and other planned events in the application.

Default templates can not be deleted, but some of them can be edited or disabled. Check the canEdit and canDisable properties.

Custom templates are created by the end-user. They are not automatically used by the application. They can be deleted.

Default template data #

Default templates include data that can not be edited and is not available to custom templates. These properties include canDisable, canEdit, fromRoleId and toRoleId.

When this data is not available, the values will be returned as null.

Custom template data #

Custom templates can be distinguished from default templates by the id property. The id property will be null for all other templates.

Delete and reset templates #

A custom email template can be deleted using the delete method of the service class.


When a default template is deleted in this way, only the custom modifications will be deleted. The default data will remain. In this way, the delete method will “reset” a default template.

Enabled by default #

Email templates are considered enabled even if the property is NULL in the database. Any code that searches the database on that column should treat NULL values as true.

When you are working with an EmailTemplate object you should have accurate data because the property is transformed to true/false when it is retrieved from the database.

All languages required #

Because email templates may be used with any user’s current locale, all languages are required for the subject and body fields. An email template can not be added without entries for all locales active in the context UI.