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Cookies are used to authenticate a user session against a registered User. You can retrieve the currently logged in user from the Request object:

$currentUser = $request->getUser();
if (!$currentUser) {
	// user is not logged in

The Request is available globally from the Application.

$currentUser = Application::get()->getRequest()->getUser();

CSRF Tokens #

CSRF tokens must be sent with all POST, PUT or DELETE requests to prevent attacks using cross-site request forgery.

CSRF tokens are not required with requests to the API when the API Token is used.

A CSRF token may be requested from the current session.

$csrfToken = $request->getSession()->getCSRFToken();

Page Routes #

When Page Handlers receive POST, PUT or DELETE requests, any form data should be processed by a Form. In such cases, the Form must add the CSRF check to its validation rules.

class ExampleForm extends Form {
	function __construct(...) {
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorCSRF($this));

Controller Routes #

Controllers must check the CSRF token for any op that receives a POST, PUT or DELETE request.

class IssueGridHandler {
	function deleteIssue($args, $request) {
		if (!$request->checkCSRF()) {
			return new JSONMessage(false);

API Routes #

API Handlers automatically check the CSRF token for all POST, PUT or DELETE requests. No additional action must be taken.

UI Library #

A CSRF token is available as a global variable when working with the UI Library. Learn more about using the CSRF Token in ajax requests.

User Session #

The user’s session stores a logged-in user’s IP address, last-used date/time and more. You can access the current user’s session directly.

$sessionManager = SessionManager::getManager();
$session = $sessionManager->getUserSession();

Use of the SessionManager is discouraged unless you need to access the session itself. In all cases, the current User should be retrieved from the Request object.

CLI Tools #

A logged-in user will not exist when using the CLI tools. Care must be taken when writing code that gets or modifies information from the database to ensure that it can be used when no user session exists.

The Handlers should perform any authentication and authorization required before fulfilling a request.

Now that we know who the user is, learn how we authorize their access to different operations.