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Sending Emails

Emails templates for each locale are stored in an XML file called dbscripts/xml/data/locale/[localeName]/email_templates_data.xml. Each email has an identifier (called email_key in the XML file) such as SUBMISSION_ACK. This identifier is used in the PHP code to retrieve a particular email template, including body text and subject.

The following code retrieves and sends the SUBMISSION_ACK email, which is sent to authors as an acknowledgment when they complete a submission. (This snippet assumes that the current article ID is stored in $articleId.)

Example 3.1. Example Code to Send a SUBMISSION_ACK Email

// Fetch the article object using the article DAO.
$articleDao = &DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleDAO');
$article = &$articleDao->getArticle($articleId);

// Load the required ArticleMailTemplate class

// Retrieve the mail template by name.
$mail = &new ArticleMailTemplate($article, 'SUBMISSION_ACK');

if ($mail->isEnabled()) {
// Get the current user object and assign them as the recipient of this message.
$user = &Request::getUser();

// Get the current journal object.
$journal = &Request::getJournal();

// This template contains variable names of the form {$variableName} that need to
// be replaced with the appropriate values. Note that while the syntax is similar
// to that used by Smarty templates, email templates are not Smarty templates. Only
// direct variable replacement is supported.
    'authorName' => $user->getFullName(),
    'authorUsername' => $user->getUsername(),
    'editorialContactSignature' => $journal->getSetting('contactName') .
        "\n" . $journal->getTitle(),
    'submissionUrl' => Request::getPageUrl() . 
        '/author/submission/' . $article->getArticleId()
