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Introduction: ORCID Plugin Guide

This ORCID Plugin Guide explains how to use and configure the ORCID Profile Plugin for Open Journal Systems (OJS) and Open Preprint Systems (OPS), how to obtain ORCID membership and API credentials, and how to connect ORCID iDs with works published with OJS and OPS.

This document provides step-by-step instructions for Journal Managers and Administrators on how to use and configure the ORCID Profile Plugin in OJS/OPS and how authors can register with ORCID and connect their ORCID iD with works published with OJS/OPS.

This video is for OJS administrators at ORCID member institutions, such as academic librarians, who are interested in enabling the ORCID plugin in OJS so that authors can connect their ORCID profile with their published research.

Software compatibility #

The ORCID Profile Plugin is available for OJS 3.1.2 and above and OPS 3.1.2 and above. However, the 3.1.x version will not receive backported features and bug fixes. Previous versions of the ORCID Profile Plugin have limited functionality.

PKP supports the current major version and the previous major version of OJS and OPS and versions of the ORCID Plugin that are compatible with them. Keeping OJS/OPS and the Plugin up-to-date is recommended.

Both OJS and OPS share the same basic platform and therefore the instructions presented in this document apply for both journals using OJS and preprint servers using OPS.

The ORCID plugin is not currently available in Open Monograph Press (OMP). Users of OMP can manually enter their ORCID iD in their user profile under View Profile > Public, but metadata will not be automatically sent from OMP to ORCID, unlike OJS/OPS where metadata can be exchanged if the plugin is configured correctly.

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