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Catalog Management

This chapter is about managing your press’ catalog, or the grouping of books that are available in various formats to the reading public located off the press home page, and displaying your published content for easy reader access.

As the Press Manager or Editor, you can manage your catalog in a number of ways. OMP includes an overall Catalog Management interface that you can find on your left menu panel.

You will also find a Catalog Entry tool for each individual submission on each submission page. Authors may also assign their original submissions to various categories and series, and editors can change these assignments at any time.

Create a new catalog entry #

You can create a new entry from the list of submissions in Catalog > All Monographs by clicking Add Entry on the main panel submenu.

Red arrow pointing to the Add Entry button on the right of the main panel submenu.

Select the submission(s) you want to add to the catalog and click Add Selected to Catalog.

Create a catalog entry for a chapter #

See section on adding Chapter files.

Create a catalog entry within a manuscript submission #

To create a catalog entry within the submission of a manuscript:

  1. Click Catalog entry on the left panel of the Publication tab
  2. Enter and select the necessary information for this manuscript
  3. Click Save.

The Catalog Entry menu.

In Catalog > All Monographs you will see checkboxes beside each catalog entry that will allow you to designate it as a Featured Entry or a New Release.

A sample list of monographs in OMP with Featured and New release checkboxes.

When you select either of these checkboxes, the entry will appear under a special section on the homepage for “Featured” and “New” monographs.

If you don’t see the entry appear, make sure you have enabled them on the Homepage Content setting under Website Settings > Appearance > Setup

The homepage content display options list in OMP.

You can reorder Featured entries using the Order Features link at the top of the grid. New Releases will appear with the latest first.

Manage Spotlights #

Spotlights allow you to select a few books to be displayed prominently on the homepage along with a custom title and description.

This is useful when you want to promote a book with marketing language that goes beyond the book’s title and abstract, such as highlighting praise a publication has received.

To select, add, or edit your spotlight go to Catalog > Spotlights.

The 'Add Spotlight' button highlights on the right of the Spotlights menu.

Author Browse Lists #

How to include authors in browse lists #

All contributors listed for each manuscript will be displayed in the monograph’s summary page.

The contributors list of an OMP submission.

When entering contributors, the submitting author will have the option to include all other contributors in the browse list.

The checkbox for including a contributor in browse lists found when entering contributor metadata.

Selecting to include contributors means that their name will be displayed in the press’ home (if selected as a new release or feature), series, or category page.

An example of authors being displayed in the New Releases feature box.

Highlight author who is an editor of the volume #

To highlight an author who is also the editor of the volume, the submitting author must indicate their role accordingly when entering them in the list of contributors.

The Contributor role selection menu in the contributor metadata entry screen.

If this role is not being displayed in your press, please check your User & Role settings (Users & Roles > Roles > Arrow on Volume Editor > Edit > Role Options)

The role option menu.

Add Books to Series #

Series can be used to help organize your publications into a special set of books devoted to a theme or topic. See Press Settings for instructions on how to create and edit series.

To add a book to a series:

  1. Go to the book’s submission page and click the Publication tab followed by Catalog Entry.
  2. In the Series, select which one you would like to add it to.
  3. Enter the Series Position information.
  4. Click Save.

The series selection dropdown and series position entry field location under Catalog Entry in the Publication tab.

Add Books to Categories #

Categories can be used to organize your books into thematic collections and provide another way for readers to access your content. For instructions on how to create categories, see Press Settings. You can add a book to a category by editing its metadata.

  1. Go to the book’s submission page and click the Publication tab followed by Catalog Entry
  2. Enable the categories this manuscript belongs to
  3. Click Save

The category list under Catalog Entry in the Publication tab.