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Managing Context and Site

OJS and OMP can be used to run more than one journal or press. We call each journal or press a context. Plugins are usually run within a context but some may run at the site-wide level. You should write your plugins to work whether they are being run at the context or site level.

You can always retrieve the current context from the Request.

use APP\core\Application;

$context = Application::get()

In site-wide pages, such as the admin settings or the site-wide journal index page, the context will be null.

if ($context) {
  // The current request is for a journal, press or preprint server
} else {
  // The current request is for a site-wide page

If your plugin supports a settings page, settings must be saved separately for each context.

$this->updateSetting($context->getId(), 'editorName', 'Daniel Barnes');

Use the Application::CONTEXT_SITE constant to save settings to the site-wide level.

use APP\core\Application;

$contextId = $context
    ? $context->getId();
    : Application::CONTEXT_SITE;

$this->updateSetting($contextId, 'editorName', 'Daniel Barnes');

Site-wide Plugins #

Add the isSitePlugin method to enable the plugin’s settings form in the site-wide plugins list.

class TutorialExamplePlugin extends GenericPlugin
    // ...

    public function isSitePlugin() {
        return true;

Site-wide plugins can also be enabled, disabled and configured for each context.

View more examples.