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Add Custom Fields

Plugins can add properties to any Entity which uses a schema file and modify the forms to include input fields for these properties.

Learn more about entities and schemas.

In the example below, we add an institutionalHome field to the journal or press settings. This will allow an editor to identify an institutional supporter or backer that can then be used in the journal’s or press’s theme.

class InstitutionalHomePlugin extends GenericPlugin {

  public function register($category, $path, $mainContextId = null) {
		$success = parent::register($category, $path);
		if ($success && $this->getEnabled()) {

      // Use a hook to extend the context entity's schema
      HookRegistry::register('Schema::get::context', array($this, 'addToSchema'));

      // Use a hook to add a field to the masthead form in the journal/press settings.
      HookRegistry::register('Form::config::before', array($this, 'addToForm'));
		return $success;

   * Extend the context entity's schema with an institutionalHome property
  public function addToSchema($hookName, $args) {
		$schema = $args[0];
		$schema->properties->institutionalHome = (object) [
			'type' => 'string',
			'apiSummary' => true,
			'multilingual' => true,
			'validation' => ['nullable']

		return false;

   * Extend the masthead form to add an institutionalHome input field
   * in the journal/press settings
	public function addtoForm($hookName, $form) {

    // Only modify the masthead form
		if (!defined('FORM_MASTHEAD') || $form->id !== FORM_MASTHEAD) {

    // Don't do anything at the site-wide level
		$context = Application::get()->getRequest()->getContext();
		if (!$context) {

    // Add a field to the form
		$form->addField(new \PKP\components\forms\FieldText('institutionalHome', [
			'label' => 'Institutional Home',
			'groupId' => 'publishing',
			'value' => $context->getData('institutionalHome'),

		return false;

When the editor adds an institutional home in the journal or press settings, you can retrieve it from the DataObject class for the context.

$context = Application::get()->getRequest()->getContext();
$institutionalHome = $context->getLocalizedData('institutionalHome');

Or use it in a template on the reader-facing frontend.

<p>Institutional Home: {$currentContext->getLocalizedData('institutionalHome')}</p>

View more examples.