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Managing Context and Site

OJS and OMP can be used to run more than one journal or press. We call each journal or press a context. Plugins are usually run within a context but some may run at the site-wide level. You should write your plugins to work whether they are being run at the context or site level.

You can always retrieve the current context from the Request.

$context = Application::get()->getRequest()->getContext();

In site-wide pages, such as the admin settings or the site-wide journal index page, the context will be null.

if ($context) {
  // The current request is for a journal or press
} else {
  // The current request is for a site-wide page

If your plugin supports a settings page, settings must be saved separately for each context.

$this->updateSetting($context->getId(), 'editorName', 'Daniel Barnes');

Use the CONTEXT_SITE constant to save settings to the site-wide level.

if ($context) {
  $contextId = $context->getId();
} else {
  $contextId = CONTEXT_SITE;
$this->updateSetting($contextId, 'editorName', 'Daniel Barnes');

Site-wide Plugins #

Add the isSitePlugin method to enable the plugin’s settings form in the site-wide plugins list.

class TutorialExamplePlugin extends GenericPlugin {
  public function isSitePlugin() {
    return true;

Site-wide plugins can also be enabled, disabled and configured for each context.

View more examples.