You can use the Custom Locale plugin to customize or change a translation on your local installation. It also allows you to customize text on your OJS journal, OMP press, or OPS server in any language that is installed and enabled. For example, if you want to change the text displayed on the review recommendation buttons in the submission workflow, you can use the Custom Locale plugin.
The Custom Locale is only reliably available and operational for OJS/OMP/OPS 3.2.0 and newer.
If you want to update or contribute to a translation, it is best to translate in Weblate. However, there are some situations in which customizing a translation on your local installation is preferred, and the Custom Locale plugin allows you to do this. This chapter explains how to use the plugin.
Please see How Languages and Locales Work in this guide for an explanation of how languages and locale files work in PKP software.
First, ensure that the plugin is installed and enable it:
Under the Locales tab you will see a list of locale files that contain all of the message keys that appear as text on your site, for the locale you have set as the Primary Locale under Website Settings > Setup > Languages. So, if you have more than one language on your site but Português (Brasil) is the Primary Locale, the locale files you see in the Locales tab will be for the Português (Brasil) language.
If you want to edit the locale files for a different language installed on your site, you will need to temporarily set it as the Primary Locale and then change the Primary Locale when you’re finished editing the locales.
You can open a file, find a message key in it, and enter a custom value to change how that piece of text appears on your site. These files correspond to the locale files in the locale folders of your site installation. The plugin provides a way to access these files directly.
Each file in a locale folder is a collection of message keys categorized by topic, based on what feature or function they pertain to in the software application. For example, most message keys related to an editor’s work are in the locale/en_US/editor.po file, while message keys for the ORCID profile plugin are in the plugins/generic/orcidProfile/locale/en_US/locale.po file.
An additional tricky thing to keep in mind is that every installation of OJS, OMP, or OPS has 2 sets of locale files – 1 in a folder called lib/pkp/locale, which are for files that are common to all PKP software applications, and 1 in a folder called locale, which is for files that are specific to the application (OJS, OMP, or OPS). For example, all of the English OJS email templates are in the ojs/locale/en_us/emails.po file. Whereas all of the English message keys related to user accounts are in the pkp-lib/locale/en_us/user.po file.
Finally, keep in mind that locales and message keys can change between different versions of PKP software.
Because the message keys are saved in multiple different files and you can only search within a file, before you can edit a message key you need to figure out which file it is in. There are a few different ways to do this.
Thinking about the above information about how locale files are organized, you can make a guess about which file the message key is in. Find the locale file in the list under the Locales tab and then follow the instructions below on how to edit the message key.
You may need to search in more than one file before you find the message key. And you may not be able to find it by guessing and have to use another method.
PKP’s GitHub repository contains sets of all of the locale files that are in your installation. So you can search the repository for the message key, identify which file it is in, and then search for the message key in the file on your installation.
As explained above, the relevant locale file may be in the pkp-lib repository or the ojs/omp/ops repository.
Go to the pkp-lib repository and search for the message key you want to customize. You can put quotes around the key to make the search precise.
So, if you want to customize the English text for “Decline Submission,” you can do the following search: “decline submission” locale
You can also use the search tools to make a more specific search query. For example, if you are searching for the message key “current issue” in an English locale file you could go to GitHub and do the following search:
org:pkp “Current Issue” path:locale/en_US language:”Gettext Catalog”
If you don’t find the text in the pkp-lib repository, try searching in the ojs repository
In your list of search results, refine the results to Code and find the right locale file in the results.
Note the locale file name so you can find it in the Custom Locale Plugin interface. Find out more about the plugin in the section below.
You can also search using command-line tools on your server (or development machine).
For example, if you are searching for the message key “current issue” in an English locale file you could use the following command:
$ find . -name \*.po -exec fgrep -l "\"Current Issue\"" "{}" ";"
You would get the following result, which would indicate the text could appear in those two files:
Now that you have determined which locale file the message key is in, you can edit it.
Now you can visit the part of your site where the customized text appears and check that the change has been made.
A commonly requested customization that can be done with the Custom Locale plugin is customizing the reviewer recommendation options. The default options are Accept, Revisions Required, Resubmit for Review, Resubmit Elsewhere, Decline, and See Comments. With the Custom Locale plugin you can change these options but you cannot add or remove an option. This section will explain how to customize the options. Make sure the Custom Locale plugin is installed and enabled before you begin these steps.
Now you can log in as a reviewer and check the review submission form to see the new options.
Changing the “Current Issue” label on homepage to “Current Articles” or “Current Publications” is a common request by journals that use OJS for continuous publishing.
This section will explain how to customize this label. Make sure the Custom Locale plugin is installed and enabled before you begin these steps.
Your changes should be reflected on the journal’s homepage. To revert the changes, remove the custom text you added above.