Web of Science (WoS) is a multidisciplinary collection of citation indexes covering life sciences, biomedical sciences, engineering, social sciences, arts and humanities. WoS contains both citations and full text content. The WoS Core Collection includes:
Content in WoS is included in citation tracking, citation counts, and author h-index calculations; “Hot” and “Highly Cited” articles (top performing by citation comparison); and Journal Impact Factors and Journal Performance Quartiles.
WoS measures both quality and impact in their selection. Journals that pass the quality criteria are accepted into Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); those that also pass the impact criteria are included in additional databases as appropriate for the subject area. Journals that have been accepted to ESCI do not need to reapply for the additional databases; WoS automatically tracks and evaluates these publications and moves them to an appropriate database once the impact criteria is fulfilled.
* WoS must have full access to the published content with all necessary permissions to view that content. For Subscription and Hybrid journals, journals must grant WoS access.
For detailed information about each requirement, please see Web of Science Journal Evaluation Process and Selection Criteria.
To submit an application for a journal to WoS you must first submit an application as a publisher to the Publisher Portal. Visit the WoS website to request a publisher account.
WoS does not require specific document formats or delivery of the content. They will pull the content directly from the website using OAI-PMH, which is provided by OJS.