It is difficult to prescribe exact steps towards setting proper file permissions, as so much depends on the server’s operating system, web server, and PHP setup.
In general, you want your permissions set such that your webserver can read and write (recursively) to the
, and to cache/
, and public/
. Optionally, for added features and reduced security, you can enable write to
, to plugins/
and perhaps to the locale .xml
files. Your webserver should have read-only access to all other files and directories distributed in the package.
Start by checking which server API PHP uses on your server. If OJS, OMP, or OCS is already installed, log in as Site Administrator, click “System Information”, and at the bottom of the page, click “Extended PHP Information”. Find the line that says “Server API”. Depending on which API you are using (mod_php/SAPI or CGI/FastCGI), permissions should be set as follows.
In Linux, permissions are based both on a numeric access control mode, and on file ownership 63. Understanding this permissions scheme is a prerequisite.
For example, ownership of apache:www
with permissions of 750
) means that the apache user can read, write and execute; anyone with the www
group can read or execute; and the file is protected against access by anyone else. Note that “execute” means two entirely different things for directories than for files!
Generally, the ownership of cache/
, public/
, and other web-writable directories should be your web user and the web-user’s primary group, for example apache:www-data
. Permissions should probably be 750
The ownership of the other non-web-writable directories should be your user, with either the web user’s group, or with public execute permissions. For example:
with 750
with 755
Web-writable files would be the same, but without the execute permission:
with 640
Non-web-writable files would be perhaps:
with 640
with 644
With some shared hosts (for example, if your only access is via cPanel or a similar web-based admin tool), you may not have the ability to change the file ownership, and your webserver is effectively running as your user. In that case, you may still have the ability to protect your files by making them non-writable by your own user (even though this sounds counter-intuitive). In a shared host, you will almost certainly want to deny world permissions to your files, but look to the documentation and support for your host in particular.
Because security configurations can vary, and because of the volume of requests for support we receive regarding file permissions, we will only be able to provide limited help with these issues. Please be as specific as possible when posting about permissions issues.
PHP Safe Mode is not a recommended configuration and may not function properly. This is because in some configurations it will cause PHP’s mkdir()
function to create directories that cannot thereafter be read or written because of file permissions. This is a limitation of Safe Mode and may prevent you from using OJS in a Safe Mode environment.
This is most likely caused by your server incorrectly identifying your HTML file as something other than HTML. The quickest way to diagnose this is to check the Galley Edit page: if you have uploaded an HTML file and the Label field says something other than “HTML” (like “Untitled”, for example), then the file has not been correctly identified as HTML and will most likely not display correctly.
OJS, OMP, and OCS use three methods to determine a filetype, in the following order:
file -bi [filename here]
Problems may occur if:
Additionally, you may be encountering problems due to malformed files. If you are having trouble having your HTML files recognized, you may want to run them through HTML-Tidy or otherwise ensure that they are valid HTML. HTML files created by word processors in particular may have a hard time being recognized as HTML.
You may also want to search the forum for the keywords “magic mime” or for “mimetype” – many users have had this problem, and there are several discussions on how to solve it.
This could be the result of the identification issue above, or it could be because your css file includes a comment on the first line, before any actual CSS. Try removing the comment(s) from the top of the file and re-uploading.
Note that this situation often occurs when uploading a modified copy of the main CSS file. We don’t recommend this approach – it’s better to upload a CSS file that only contains overrides for the styles that you wish to modify from the default layout, as the main stylesheet is applied before any custom CSS files. This will help to avoid stylesheet headaches on upgrade.
Character encoding issues mostly crop up in two situations: when journals are migrated from another platform to OJS; or (more commonly) when an OJS journal is migrated from another server to our servers.
It’s often helpful to check the current database settings to ensure that you’re working in the character set that you think you’re working with. Once logged into MySQL, try the following:
show variables like 'char%';
show variables like 'collation%';
The goal of fixing character encoding problems is to ensure that the data stored in the database matches the character set settings of the database, i.e. that we’re storing utf8 data in a utf8 database. Once this has been achieved, we want to ensure that the OJS settings match the data and db settings, i.e. client, connection, database character set settings are all set to utf8 in
The following articles provide a good introduction to character sets and encodings:
show variables like 'char%'
show variables like 'collation%'
mysqldump db --opt --default-character-set=latin1 result-file=latin1.sql
mysqldump db --opt --default-character-set=utf8 result-file=utf8.sql
During migration from another institution you may receive a MySQL dump that includes table definitions that are set to latin1 (i.e. CREATE TABLE access_keys … DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1) even though the actual data saved in the tables is UTF8. You can on the original server to confirm if this is the case: if client_charset = utf-8 in then data will be stored as UTF8 in the database.
By default, journals on our servers are correctly configured to use UTF8 settings throughout the database and Importing a mismatched database with Latin1 table definitions and UTF8 data will result in character display issues in OJS.
The following conversion steps and import process can be used to resolve these issues:
Conversion steps:
--default-character-encoding=latin1 --result-file=dump.latin1.sql
in vim:%s/CHARSET=latin1/CHARSET=utf8/g
:set fileencoding=utf8
:w dump.utf8.sql
Import steps:
USE import\_ojs
SOURCE dump.utf8.sql;
… and so on, replacing “article_settings” with the table you need to clean up, and “setting_value” with the column in the table needing cleanup.
During migration/upgrade from lib-ojs server to sfulib MySQL dump files from former may present encoding characters issue related to double-quotes, e.g.: “learning,â€<9d> which should be “learning,” even using correct UTF8 collation to export from Database.
This problem shows up when users copy-and-paste fancy/smart quotes from MS Word which uses the windows-1252 character set that doesn’t match with anything in UTF8. Which results in this sequences that look like “learning,â€<9d>.
The following steps can be used to resolve this encoding issue:
$ vim +100
) add an extra parameter ‘uncurl_quotes=False’ to the fix_file function. It will like as follows:for line in fix_file(file, encoding=encoding,
$ ftfy --output=client.clean.sql client.orig.sql
If you are running into strange characters like †/ — / ’ / etc., try the following SQL commands to search and replace them (taken from this blog post):
UPDATE article\_settings SET setting\_value = REPLACE(setting\_value, '“', '"');
UPDATE article\_settings SET setting\_value = REPLACE(setting\_value, '†', '"');
UPDATE article\_settings SET setting\_value = REPLACE(setting\_value, '’', ''');
UPDATE article\_settings SET setting\_value = REPLACE(setting\_value, '‘', '"');
UPDATE article\_settings SET setting\_value = REPLACE(setting\_value, 'â€"', '"“');
UPDATE article\_settings SET setting\_value = REPLACE(setting\_value, 'â€"', '"”');
UPDATE article\_settings SET setting\_value = REPLACE(setting\_value, '†¢', '-');
UPDATE article\_settings SET setting\_value = REPLACE(setting\_value, '†¦', '"¦');
If all else fails:
Kurt has run the following dump command with some success, but without explaining exactly what it does:
mysqldump ocs-$USERNAME --opt --default-character-set=latin1 --skip-set-charset --single-transaction --ignore-table=ocs-$USERNAME.paper_search_keyword_list --ignore-table=ocs-$USERNAME.paper_search_object_keywords --ignore-table=ocs-$USERNAME.paper_search_objects --result-file=/tmp/$USERNAME.sql
1: Check your webserver error log
Usually, this indicates that a PHP error has occurred and the message has been sent to your web server or system log file. Check there – e.g. /var/log/apache/error.log
, although the exact location will depend on your server configuration – for further details.
2: Check your file permissions
If you haven’t installed OJS, OMP, or OCS yet, then the most likely cause is a problem with file permissions in your cache/ or cache/t_compile directories. See docs/README for information on file permissions.
3: Further troubleshooting
If you don’t have access to your server log file, you can try adding the following near the top of index.php to cause error messages to be sent to the browser:
ini_set('display_errors', E_ALL);
If you happen to be running in a Windows IIS environment, you may also have to enable fastcgi.impersonate=1
in your php.ini file.
You may also want to temporarily modify (approximately) line 27 of file lib/pkp/includes/
, removing the @ operator, so it would look like this:
if((include_once BASE_SYS_DIR.'/'.$filePath) === false) {
Remember to revert that change afterwards.
Sometimes a specific PHP script included in the software will fail to execute without any error message, e.g. due to a broken modification or a file permissions problem. To determine which script might be causing the problem, you can edit your lib/pkp/includes/
and find the following line:
function import($class) {
Add below it:
echo "Importing " . $class . " \n";
This will cause OJS, OMP, or OCS to list class files before importing them (for ANY viewer of the site). If you are having a problem with a particular file, it will be the last one listed. Double-check the file permissions on it and try running it through the PHP linter (php -l path/to/
Be sure to revert this change when you are finished.
A stacktrace shows the route through the code taken to display the current page. When an error is displayed, a stacktrace is often helpful in helping to track down how the error is being caused, by letting the developer step through the code and see what route they must take to reproduce the error.
To enable stacktracing on errors in OxS, turn on the ‘show_stacktrace’ option in (near the bottom of the document). An example stacktrace will look like this:
DB Error: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""
Stack Trace:
File: /var/www/ojs/classes/article/ line 76
Function: DAO->retrieve("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM article_galleys WHERE public_galley_id = ? ...", Array(2))
File: /var/www/ojs/classes/submission/form/ line 233
Function: ArticleGalleyDAO->publicGalleyIdExists("pdf", "")
File: /var/www/ojs/pages/sectionEditor/ line 1459
Function: ArticleGalleyForm->execute("layoutFile")
File: /var/www/ojs/pages/sectionEditor/ line 1314
Function: SubmissionEditHandler::uploadGalley("layoutFile")
File: /var/www/ojs/pages/sectionEditor/ line 469
Function: SubmissionEditHandler::uploadLayoutFile()
File: (unknown) line (unknown)
Function: SectionEditorHandler::uploadLayoutFile(Array(0))
File: /var/www/ojs/index.php line 88
Function: call_user_func(Array(2), Array(0))
File: /var/www/ojs/index.php line 99
Function: handleRequest()
Your PHP memory limit is most likely set too low. It’s normally set at 8mb by default, but OJS, OMP, and OCS need at least 16mb set to run properly (and often more for occasional tasks like upgrading). You can find a memory_limit
configuration directive in your server’s php.ini
config file.
You are probably receiving an error similar to
DB Error: Table 'ojs.journals' doesn't exist
… where the ‘ojs’ part of the error is the name of your database as specified during install. What has most likely happened is that you have attempted to create your database and the installer has attempted to fill that database with the necessary data, but for some reason was unable to do so. Possible reasons for this include your database system (eg. MySQL) not allowing web-based database creation; or otherwise not allowing large-scale table creation. The best solution is to:
to the original (copying over config.TEMPLATE.php
will do this);Please note that when you click the Manual Install button, the resulting page will say that the OJS/OMP/OCS Install has completed successfully, but this isn’t quite true: you still have to copy the SQL statements and add them to your database manually.
Note: You may also be encountering a plugin bug. There have been plugin bugs in the past where plugins have attempted to access the “journals” table before the installer has created the table; these will result in a “Table ‘ojs.journals’ doesn’t exist” message when someone attempts to load the installer page in the first place. In this case, you can narrow it down to a particular plugin by checking the stack trace.
If you are running PHP 5.3+ (which you should be doing), you will need to run OJS 2.4.0+, OMP 1.0+ or OCS 2.3.6+. Older versions of the software will not work on newer versions of PHP.
If you are running PHP 7+, you will need to run OJS 3.0+.
OJS and OMP 3.1.2+ requires PHP 7.1 or above. Refer to docs/README for your OJS/OMP version for more information about PHP system requirements.
NOTE: If you are running OJS or OMP 3.x on a PHP7+ LAMP stack, please remember to update your MySQL driver parameter(Database section) on
file, i.e.:
driver = mysqli