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List Panels

Many of the ListPanel components are as complex as a small application. They allow the user to add, edit and delete items, perform faceted searches, navigate through paginated lists, and more.

The most complex ListPanels provide a helper class to configure and display them on the page.

Each ListPanel extends the base class, defines configurable props as public properties, and implements a getConfig() method that compiles all required props into an associative array.

namespace PKP\components\listPanels;

class PKPAnnouncementsListPanel extends ListPanel {

	/** @var string URL to the API endpoint where items can be retrieved */
	public $apiUrl = '';

	/** @var int How many items to display on one page in this list */
	public $count = 30;

	 * @copydoc ListPanel::getConfig()
	public function getConfig() {

		// Call ListPanel::getConfig() to compile common props
		$config = parent::getConfig();

		// Assign props that have been configured for this object
		$config['apiUrl'] = $this->apiUrl;
		$config['count'] = $this->count;

		// Assign required props that do not need to be configured,
		// such as translated strings
		$config['addAnnouncementLabel'] = __('grid.action.addAnnouncement');
		$config['deleteAnnouncementLabel'] = __('manager.announcements.deleteAnnouncement');

		return $config;

The props required for each ListPanel are documented in the UI Library.

In a PageHandler, create a new instance of the ListPanel and pass in the configuration props.

$listPanel = new \PKP\components\listPanels\PKPAnnouncementsListPanel(
		'apiUrl' => $request->getDispatcher()->url(...),
		'count' => 20,

Then call the getConfig() method and pass the props to the TemplateManager as state.

$templateMgr = TemplateManager::getManager($request);
	'components' => [
		$listPanel->id => $listPanel->getConfig(),

Parts of the UI in PKP’s application have not yet been converted to the UI Library. Learn about these controllers in the next section.