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Similarity Check

OJS 3.1.2 includes support for iThenticate plagiarism check the Crossref Similarity Check service.


For this plugin to work, the following must be added to your config.inc.php file:

; iThenticate Plugin Settings ;


; Enable iThenticate to submit manuscripts after submit step 4
ithenticate = On

; The username to access the API (usually an email address)
username = "user@email.com"

; The password to access the API
password = "password"

Additionally, SimCheck full-text urls will be provided to Crossref as part of the DOI submission process automatically.

Installing and Enabling the Plugin #

  1. Navigate to the user dashboard.
  2. Click settings.
  3. Click plugins.
  4. Click the submenu item plugin gallery.
  5. Find the plugin labelled “iThenticate” and click the title.
  6. Install the plugin by clicking “install”.
  7. Once you get a notification that the plugin is installed, click the submenu item plugins.
  8. Locate the iThenticate Plugin and click the blue checkbox on the right to enable it.